Mar 22, 2024

Harmony Day: Celebrating Unity and Diversity at RMC

Harmony Day is celebrated around the nation as an opportunity for people to come together and reflect on how we can live in harmony without prejudice. In support of this special initiative, students and staff proudly wore the theme colour of orange and enjoyed an array of activities designed to promote the key values of harmony.

The College Green transformed into a mecca of live music, dance, games and fun as the RMC Wiggles entertained a crowd of enthusiastic students. Outside of their classrooms, the Kindy and Prep students enjoyed crafting murals about togetherness, the Year 1 cohort potted miniature plants representing bright futures, and the Year 2 students created hand prints with inspiring messages about Harmony Day. The event culminated in a celebration of unity as our leadership teams served Zooper Doopers throughout the College for all to enjoy.