Senior Years

THE SENIOR YEARS (Year 10 to Year 12)

"I know the things I'm good at and I need to develop these for whatever career I choose. My teacher says not to limit myself - once I graduate I'll be applying for jobs that haven't even been invented yet. I get so much practical support and that makes a huge difference."

In Year 10, students will be able to choose from a wide range of Senior subjects and courses to suit their future work and study goals. This includes study of QCAA (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) General and Applied subjects with a focus on developing twenty-first century skills.

There is a variety of pathways that students can follow through the Senior Phase of Learning. Most students choose the traditional academic program, however, many students also successfully undertaken an academic program complemented by a school based traineeship or apprenticeship and/or completion of Certificate courses. These alternative pathways offer the combination of a school-based program with work and/or TAFE studies. Accordingly, the College offers a comprehensive program for students in the Senior Years across academic, work based programs and/or TAFE experiences. Year 12 students also have the opportunity to potentially undertake university subjects.

Career Guidance is provided for all Secondary students at Rivermount College. In the Senior Years, this occurs initially through Senior Studies lessons. It is here where many aspects of future subject selections and further study options, as well as possible career pathways, are discussed.

Information Nights are held to explain to parents and students requirements of the QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education), subject information and further education requirements in relation of ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) pathway to tertiary study. Parents also receive regular reports of their child’s progress during each year, based on continuous assessment. Parent-Teacher interviews are held twice each year to discuss student progress, however, parents are welcome to discuss their child’s progress with the teaching staff at any time.


To affect the delivery of a balanced and responsible curriculum, the following subjects are compulsory for Year 10 – 12 students:

  • English or Essential English*
  • General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Essential Mathematics*
  • Religion and Philosophy
  • Senior Studies

It is important to note that while Essential English and Essential Mathematics can contribute to ATAR calculations in Year 12, these are Applied subjects, and only one Applied subject can contribute to these calculations.

In addition to these subjects, students are asked to choose four (4) additional subjects from the following lists:

General Subjects:

  • Accounting
  • Ancient History
  • Biology
  • Business
  • Chemistry
  • Dance
  • Design
  • Digital Solutions
  • Drama
  • Economics
  • Engineering
  • Film, Television and New Media
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Geography
  • Japanese
  • Legal Studies
  • Modern History
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Specialist Mathematics
  • Visual Art

Applied subjects:

It is important to note that one Applied subject can contribute to ATAR calculations.

  • Hospitality Practices
  • Industrial Technology
  • Industrial Graphics